Accepted Application (1 Viewer)

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Gameserver Admin
Staff member
Gameserver Admin
Nov 8, 2019

Steam ID 32:

Your age:

Current playtime on relevant server:
54 days

Link to your sourcebans record: (bans) (comms)

Servers you are applying for:
US Jailbreak

General online times and time zone:
9 am-2 am GMT

Do you have a working microphone?:

Previous experience as an admin:
I was a mod on flux

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?:
I'm one of the more active regulars, since I only play blue I'm well-versed in the rules.
I always give warnings in voice chat and in chat in a way that is helpful (more like gentle reminders than an “AKSHUALLY”), I also include these in the reports I make, showing more instances of minor offenses.
I can cover the European timezones, something only a few admins can do.
Not only do I make reports and do calladmins, but I also go the extra mile to help others, such as directing new players to the forums and reminding admins about unpunished players.
In general on the forums I like to think I have a positive impact with the suggestions I make, which only proves how much more I have to offer other than typing a few commands.
I feel like I have so much to offer and being an admin would only help with that, I hope you can see it too.


Permaban with a demo to attach to source bans.

Advertising hacks:
Perma gag

General stuff:
720 minutes
1440 minutes
4320 minutes
10080 minutes
43200 minutes

Jailbreak stuff:
120 minutes
240 minutes
360 minutes
720 minutes
I know this is slightly unorthodox but I feel like our current stacking system is way too strict considering there isn't a way to see past team bans reliably.

Perma than, 720 minute ban

No mic:
Perma tban, lifted when they use it.

Thank you for reading
While in the past you did have numerous issues you seem to have gotten over most of those, I can't think of anything that happened recently to hold against you, maybe thats because I've been fairly inactive as of late but I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt.

Never thought I'd see the day where I'd +1 your app but here we are.
It is hard to imagine that you are the same person from 4 months ago. If it was back then I would've written a 2000 word feedback on why you shouldn't ever become an admin, but now there is no reason for that anymore. I won't go into what happened back then because it was too awful and I doubt you would want to too.
You have massively improved yourself and kept it like that ever since, and if it continues like that I wont mind giving a +1
Recent inactivity but you are reformed from when I returned, the only thing is that since i havent seen you on in a while, you've left me 50/50 because i have only seen a bit of both sides of you

With all feedback in, time to put this under review!

Any question or inactivity during under review please message me. Good luck ::):
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