Pending Admin Application woah.. (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2020


Steam32 ID


Current playtime on relevant server(s)

42d 09:55:35h

Link to your Source-bans record


Server you are applying for

US Jailbreak

General online times & time zone

GMT+3, Pretty good time-zone to cover I'd say.

Do you have a working microphone?


Previous experience as Admin or Moderator

Administrated for Panda Community Servers, US 2Fort and US JB for a considerable amount of time.
Previous Application #1
Previous Application #2
Previous Application #3

What makes you a suitable candidate?

A list of positives I think make me a pretty suitable candidate

- My activity is pretty good minus usual breaks

- Previous experience as an admin for Panda

- A mostly positive relationship with most players in the community

- A time-zone that is given less attention by the admins usually

- Clean Punishment record throughout my playtime in most of panda servers*

1* I was team-banned once around 2021
2* Call abuse ban that was appealed

I had a ban last year regarding a call I made while playing class wars, While I appealed it some people might ask a question of why it happened in the first place, It was understandable at the time that confusion was apparent because I wasn't the only one who called admin at the time, And at the time they all seemed to be abusing the system.

I understand where that situation has gone wrong and don't fault any of the parties for any reaction it may have caused

- 360 (6 hours)
- 720 (12 hours)
- 1,440 (1 day)
- 10,080 (1 week)
- 43 829 (1 month)
- 0 (Permanent)

- 120 (2 hours)
- 240 (4 hours)
- 480 (8 hours)
- 960 (16 hours)
- 0 (Permanent)


Overall while the competition is awesome right now, I think I can cover a mostly helpful position on the team with my experience and timezone, Cheers.
Thanks for applying Zee, to start you off we are gonna have you take a look at some old reports and have you tell us how you'd handle them.

Look at these clips and explain how'd you handle each situation in your own words. Tell us about your thought process and feel free to be as indepth as possible.

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

Clip 3:
Hello There Zee, lets get into it shall we?

Out of Personal Experience with you i think you'd fit the position of Admin,
you have proven this from your previous experience, you always bring a good vibe to the server and i have seen you enforce/notify players of the rules often. you activity is also high and chatlogs are good and I have experienced your VC session mature

Speaking of the Incident i think its clear you have learned from that incident i dont see a reason to use that against you

Now, i am going to Remain NEUTRAL untill you have responded to Cowboys Clips, if have have executed those well i am more then happy to give you a +1

Good Luck!
Thanks for applying Zee, to start you off we are gonna have you take a look at some old reports and have you tell us how you'd handle them.

Look at these clips and explain how'd you handle each situation in your own words. Tell us about your thought process and feel free to be as indepth as possible.
Heya Cowboy thanks for the reply! Ill try to respond to the best of my ability, For that Ill divide my response to 3 sections for each clip.

This one should be relatively easy, There are a couple of options to deal with in that situation all depending on if he was LGKA-ing or was Warden, While relatively the response would be quite the same, simply he was camping armory and delaying the round, As was seen on the clip warning him is the first response to his actions which could go either way, He'd respond positively and leave armory or as was done on the clip stay there, As he was warned by several people at the time that its against the rules to camp armory, It has to end in a guardban.

That one is pretty short but pretty understandable, The LR seems to be Hunger games and Mr_President(assuming he didn't intentionally do it) killed nonstopdrivel, A fellow blue, At the moment I'd warn Mr_President to be careful with his melee and respawn nonstopdrivel, I'd keep an eye though to make sure he won't continue that behavior in the round and beyond, and if he does, he would be guardbanned for teamkilling.

Pretty chaotic but imo pretty straight-forward, Alot of blues are over-talking the warden at the time while he gave a valid order as the timer didn't hit 9:00, In the moment I'd mute everyone except the warden to give him the opportunity to give the order and be heard, The reds who left cell area and didn't crouch walk to medic are pretty much KOS.
Hey Zee.
It's clear that you already know your stuff when it comes to stuff like sourcemod which is a huge plus. I wasn't active for your previous tenure as admin so I can't really comment on how you are as an admin unfortunately.
Although from seeing you in game and despite your lack of recent forum reports you have been very helpful in catching rulebreakers outside of that, your responses to the clips are fine. I see no real issue with them, maybe with the 3rd clip I personally would've reminded the warden to use the overtalk plugin and to be careful when opening cells. I will be keeping an eye on your gameplay in the coming weeks to come to a solid conclusion. Although I am pretty confident that you'll be a fine fit to return to the team. I'll be giving you a +1 for now. Good luck!
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Hello Zee.

I know you were trial before, and although from what I've heard your tenure back then was rocky, I feel you have improved yourself enough that I wouldn't mind having you back on our team.

Answers were good. Thank you very much for taking the time to address each one and answering.

I responded to your application the last out of this batch because i wanted to take some time and gather my thoughts. Your situation is quite peculiar with a lot of history behind it. You were an admin previously with a tenure that had some considerable bumps and bruises. Since your last couple of apps has already addressed them i'll go ahead and skip them and talk more about you as an individual for the past year or so.

You had a misshap on a class wars server where a bunch of individuals from the Jailbreak Community decided to play on the Panda Classwars server as a fun event. Unfortunately a few individuals (including you) decided to do some !calladmins despite there being no apparent rules being broken. This in turn sent a calladmin notification to the admins assigned to these servers and three individuals in turn got a server ban for their offences.

If i remember clearly you successfully appealed your ban but in all reality i think we can agree that calling for an admin during that time was a mistake and doing it was really stupid in retrospect.

Now, it's a calladmin ban on a low pop server and its been 8+ months since its transpired so I really don't hold it much against you since i am assured by you that it wont happen again. It's no secret that you and I are pretty close friends and i feel like i have more insight into you and your behavior than others might. You are an extremely emotionally intelligent person and i have looked to you for advice on handling situations and getting my own head out my arse. Even though you arent admin, i've heard reports and have seen chatlogs that you have actually helped some of our newer admins on commands and have given advice on handling situations. From what i can see your behaviors from your previous tenure has drasticially improved and i believe you are ready for another opportunity.

You are most likely aware that people are going to be watching you like Hawks. Do not let your guard down and continue to hold yourself on a high standard or the same situation of negligence from your last application might happen again.

Take my +1 and continue to do what you're doing.
Alright so considering Cowboy did mention we were observing you closely I will have to bring up the recent incident with PistolPoppins.

While I do genuinely believe you did not make the report on him out of maliciousness (we even talked about this privately in Discord before you made that report) or out of a vendetta for Pistol, I really do believe that especially since you are an applicant we are closely watching, you really should've stepped up a lot earlier if you knew that something involving the LR made it deniable instead of waiting until you died.

I have no ill feelings towards you as a person and I don't think your actions are nowhere near as bad as Pistol's (even though we gave him another chance and I hold no ill feelings toward him either), but because of this I will downgrade my vote to Neutral. This can very easily be changed for better or worse depending on your actions in the coming days.
Hello There Zee, lets get into it shall we?

Out of Personal Experience with you i think you'd fit the position of Admin,
you have proven this from your previous experience, you always bring a good vibe to the server and i have seen you enforce/notify players of the rules often. you activity is also high and chatlogs are good and I have experienced your VC session mature

Speaking of the Incident i think its clear you have learned from that incident i dont see a reason to use that against you

Now, i am going to Remain NEUTRAL untill you have responded to Cowboys Clips, if have have executed those well i am more then happy to give you a +1

Good Luck!
Heya there Zee,

due to the good responses to cowboy's situation i have moved my verdict to +1,

good luck on your app!
Alright so considering Cowboy did mention we were observing you closely I will have to bring up the recent incident with PistolPoppins.

While I do genuinely believe you did not make the report on him out of maliciousness (we even talked about this privately in Discord before you made that report) or out of a vendetta for Pistol, I really do believe that especially since you are an applicant we are closely watching, you really should've stepped up a lot earlier if you knew that something involving the LR made it deniable instead of waiting until you died.

I have no ill feelings towards you as a person and I don't think your actions are nowhere near as bad as Pistol's (even though we gave him another chance and I hold no ill feelings toward him either), but because of this I will downgrade my vote to Neutral. This can very easily be changed for better or worse depending on your actions in the coming days.
If I’m being honest, I think this feedback was unfair. If you didn’t know it was deniable, then I wouldn’t put too much on you. Excluding this I really feel you have definitely grown as a person and from your last trial phase and otherwise you've been stellar in every other area.

I’m not gonna delete my previous feedback though because I’d rather own up to my mistakes than pretend I never made one.

Upgrading my vote back to +1.
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Zee I know you would be a great admin but it feels like every time you apply drama always just follows you, its hard to love you 🥲
That whole report makes me really think, thats such an obviously deniable last request, completely unreasonable but the fact that it seemed to have went on without any major buffer is insane, its not just you but its important to acknowledge what you could have done.

You have to do better and I think you know that yourself, I still support this application but I hope to see you take more of a initiative during the review process, good luck 😎
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Hi Zee!

I've heard you used to be a trial so I'm sure you already know the responsibilities of being an admin.

You're a very friendly person to be around and you helped contribute to the server. +1
Hi Zee, sorry for not responding for a while. I've seen you in-game as of late and you really do a good job all around, your friendly and you remind people of the rules, and I do appreciate and always take note when I see that. Not to mention you are a previous admin with experience. +1 good luck!
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Howdy Zee, I approve of this applicaton, I know you're a regular and have had good sessions, and your handling of the situation mentioned above was good.

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