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  1. PistolPoppinSince02

    Awaiting Feedback Re-work on Overtalk Plugin

    If the warden mutes useful advice from other blus, it is a skill issue. I have had countless rounds salvaged by being able to mute rambunctious blus, so net positive through and through.
  2. PistolPoppinSince02

    Pending Pistol's Admin Application Mk III

    1. The LR in question was also done many times prior without any given problems. So to respond to "I think you should've considered in the moment of choosing your lr and then carrying it out it maybe it wouldn't fly", I would say that yes the LR had no inherent problems to consider. As of right...
  3. PistolPoppinSince02

    Pending Pistol's Admin Application Mk III

    Rather than to allow this Application to remain for purely posterity's sake, I would like to address concerns discussed above. First and foremost, the elephant in the room. There is no denying the situation reflects poorly on all involved. A mistake was made, and of that I will not deny...
  4. PistolPoppinSince02

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Tighter clarification on Trivia/Jeopardy rules and restrictions on Mass Trivia

    What is considered "obscure" is by definition subjective. We either rigidly restrict what can be asked, rigidly define what can be asked (whitelist like Semi said), or do not restrict what can be asked at all. I am in favor of the final option.
  5. PistolPoppinSince02

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Tighter clarification on Trivia/Jeopardy rules and restrictions on Mass Trivia

    I've had enough arguing my own case because of pedantic infractions. If any one else were in my position, I would have preferred it to have just been a banned LR/minigame, and the round in question been entirely averted. Can Mass Trivia be fun? Sure it can, but it is in no way needed on the...
  6. PistolPoppinSince02

    Awaiting Feedback [JB] Anti-AFK plugin for JB.

    Entirely down granted we have the know-how. We all need to go AFK every now and again to go to the bathroom, get a drink, take the dogs out, etc. None of these take 20 hours though. Personally 30+ minutes of spec warrants and auto kick, but this could be extremely lenient, by there are my thoughts
  7. PistolPoppinSince02

    Pending Pistol's Admin Application Mk III

    Can see that angle and agree. The only addendum I would add is that the LR was done in trivia, as seen in the clips. It was a custom LR done mostly for fun. Most people had no clue what the answers were, so the playing field was even. As to not delay, hints were dropped for questions, and I was...
  8. PistolPoppinSince02

    Accepted Report on Bionic Ghost Kids

    Current Steam Name: Bionic Ghost Kids Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:1620417 Which Server the rule was broken on: US JB Rule Broken: Freehit into freekill, which they were warned about within the clip. Lying on blu I suppose too Evidence Provided: Clip
  9. PistolPoppinSince02

    Accepted PistolPoppinSince02 Unban Appeal

    Name of your Banned Steam Account: PistolPoppinSince02 Steam ID 32: STEAM_0:0:69947301 Date and Time of the Ban: 1:11 A.M my time, 5/27/2024 Reason about the Ban: Favoritism Admin that Banned you: Banned via Forums on Nergal's call (I believe) Why should you receive a unban for the ban / gag /...
  10. PistolPoppinSince02

    Accepted Report on Femboy_luvr_9.0

    Current Steam Name: Femboy_luvr_9.0 Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:605865274 Which Server the rule was broken on: US JB Rule Broken: Inappropriate Spray Evidence Provided: SS
  11. PistolPoppinSince02

    Chat, is this real?

    Chat, is this real?
  12. PistolPoppinSince02

    Awaiting Feedback Re-work on Overtalk Plugin

    Overtalk overall is a net positive in many regards, and I am glad to see you acknowledge that. Improvements can always be made, and the only addition I would potentially like to see is the ability to disable overtalk on reds, blus, or both. As it currently stands, many of the above mentioned...
  13. PistolPoppinSince02

    Accepted Report against Bugs

    Current Steam Name: Bugs Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:432178031 Which Server the rule was broken on: US JB Rule Broken: Encouraging Rule Breaking (Suggestion to MFK, and Encouragement of an Alt) Evidence Provided: Clip Other Pertinent Information: Bug's Prior Comm
  14. PistolPoppinSince02

    Pending Pistol's Admin Application Mk III

    Oi! I saw what was here! @Nergal Nergalton It's a valid question and I take no offense. The answer is yes without a doubt. Just like I wouldn't be cool someone I know drinking and driving, I wouldn't let someone I know bend the rules either.
  15. PistolPoppinSince02

    Pending Pistol's Admin Application Mk III

    Clip One What we have here pound for pound is an MFK. One of the Reds affirms that they cannot be killed, which is now true as the warden died and it has become a freeday. Whether or not Firegears heard/acknowledged this is irrelevant. Three Reds were freekilled. Either the Blu did not know...
  16. PistolPoppinSince02

    Pending Pistol's Admin Application Mk III

    By backlog of reports, I am referring to my reports made HERE on the forums. My 'history' or 'catalogue' of reports to peruse. As of recent I haven't made any reports, since there has been little to report. My history of Accepted Reports can then be analyzed in the absence of current reports.
  17. PistolPoppinSince02

    Pending Pistol's Admin Application Mk III

    I've got a backlog of reports to peruse, just not much recently. Things have been pretty calm, but I've been making fair use of !call. I wanna say all I've seen of late are those with undesirable chatlogs and hackers/alts. Chatlogs only require a quick glimpse for an Admin once they are...
  18. PistolPoppinSince02

    Pending Pistol's Admin Application Mk III

    Biography Howdy Howdy! My Username is PistolPoppinSince02. As the username implies, I was born in 2002, however I will turn 22 on the 20th. Feel free to forget that as every year after the 21st means nothing smile. Steam32 ID STEAM_0:0:69947301 Current Playtime on Relevant Server(s) As...
  19. PistolPoppinSince02

    Tier list of jailbreak maps - May 2024 Edition
  20. PistolPoppinSince02

    I guess that's it...

    Sad to see you go Soldier o7